Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day Seven, still: A Correction

One thing is potentially problematic about the location.  We are situated very close two two mosques, one of which is basically across the street.  That in itself is no problem at all, but I had forgotten until recently about the call to prayer.  We've heard it twice since we got here: once sometime between 4 and 5 and again just now, a little before 9.  It happens five times a day, meaning that it will happen at some point in the early hours of tomorrow morning, when we're scheduled to "sleep in" until 9:15.  I know from experience that it won't be hard to get back to sleep, but it will be startling even though I know it's coming, seeing as the megaphone on the nearest minaret is only a few yards away.  It was interesting how it started just now.  At first we heard noises from somewhere far away, and I couldn't tell what they were.  One started close enough for me to tell what it was, and seconds after that the blare of the nearby megaphone filled the room.  I love hearing the prayers because, although it's hard to forget that I'm in Istanbul, it's easier to forget that despite all the trappings of a Western, predominantly Christian city, the vast majority of the people here are Muslim and their home was once considered the capital of Islam.  I hope I enjoy thinking about these things again when I'm woken up by them around 4 AM.

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